Practical information > Getting to Casablanca

Concerning your flight, you can choose to arrive directly at Casablanca but tickets are often more expensive when you come from Europe. It's not difficult to arrive at Rabat, Marrakech or Fès and then take the train to Casablanca:
- Fès- Casablanca : 4 hours on average, 116 dhs (about 10,5 euros)
- Marrakech - Casablanca : 3h40 on average, 95 dhs (about 9 euros)
- Rabat - Casablanca: 1h on average, 37 dhs (about 3,30 euros)
You would find more information (timetables for example) on the ONCF website :
It you prefer to fly to Casablanca, there is a train from the airport to the city center. It takes about 1 hour and costs 43 dhs (about 4 euros). You can also take a  "grand taxi' (white ones) for 300 dhs from the airport to your hostel. 
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